Saturday, May 24, 2014

Our Lady Undoer of Knots

It was not until Pope Francis was elected Pope that I even heard of this devotion.  In fact my prayer partner brought it to my attention.

I understand the imagery of Our Blessed Mother undoing the knots in my life.  She is patient and works steadily to undo all those pesky knots that keep me from her Son.  The ones that keep me up at night and worry me throughout the day.

I just finished the Novena to Our Lady Undoer of Knots and one line out of all the meditations over the last nine days has been with me.

"The Holy Spirit was manifest on her lips."

 What a wonderful image that Our Mother never spoke in anger, or gossiped, or judged.  When she spoke she allowed the Holy Spirit to always speak!

How I wish that I was more willing to let the Holy Spirit speak through me always.  To quiet my own words and let His words flow from my mouth like milk and honey.  That my words would be an encouragement to others.  My words the words of comfort.  That always the Holy Spirit was manifest on my lips.

Dear Mother,

I come to you as your child and ask that you assist me now and always to quiet my words and let the Holy Spirit be manifest on my lips.

O Immaculate Lady - Undoer of Knots, Pray for us!


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