Friday, April 18, 2014

Good Friday Thoughts

Lord you know the heaviness of my heart today.  It is the four month anniversary of Michael's death.  I know that he is with you and now he understands all and glorifies you constantly.  But I miss him!  I know that he is at peace and all suffering and doubt is gone.  But I miss him!

Today is the anniversary of your death and I am sure that the Apostles, the Blessed Mother and all the disciples sat at the end of this day and missed you.  They could not understand that you would be risen in three days.  So they too were saddened and missing you.  Wondering what would happen to them.  Fearful of the future.

I believe that You ARE the Risen Lord.  I believe that You ARE the Resurrection and the Life  of the world to come.  I believe that You Love your servant, Michael, and that he has been born into eternal life with You.

Help me to find comfort as I stand at the foot of the cross, unsure of my future, but trusting in you.  Abandoning my will to Yours, and being obedient to Your Will.  Help me to remember in my sadness that there is Joy!


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