Thursday, July 2, 2015

Praying in Different Places

I will lift my eyes to the mountains;
From where shall my help come?

My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.

Psalm 121

Since I am on the road, I have had the opportunity to go to Mass in different places. It can be disconcerting when you don't know who is the priest because the Deacons wear a Roman Collar and full vestments. The Gloria is sung differently, or they sing everything!

I must admit that my favorite prayer place was Yelłowstone. Up in the mountains surrounded by pine trees in the brisk morning air praying my Rosary while sitting at the picnic table. Occasionally a buffalo would be grazing across from me and the birds and squirrels were competing for loudest animal.

While driving through the Badlands I was reminded that the last time I was here Michael was with me.  It helps to close the circle to be back to places we enjoyed.

The next stage of this trip will be new territory. Yet the constant in all this is my prayer life. The schedule may be different, but the day starts with a Rosary and the day ends with my night prayers.

I am truly blessed to be able to enjoy this kind of freedom.

Lord, I ask that you continue to watch over me & Cynthia.
Be with us as the miles slip under our wheels.
Open our eyes to the beauty of your creation.
Help us to be kind to our fellow travelers.


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